Monday, 29 January 2018

Manual Upgradation From Oracle 9i to 10g

Manual Upgradation From Oracle 9i to 10g
Upgradation  is  the process of  replacing our existing software with  a  newer  version  of  the  same  product . For example, replacing  oracle  9i  release  to oracle 10g release . Upgrading our  applications  usually does not require special tools. Our existing reports should look and behave the same in both products. However, sometimes minor changes may be seen in product .Upgradation is done at Software level .

I  received a mail from  a  reader regarding  the upgradation  of  database . He wants  to upgrade his database  from  9i  to 10g  . Here, i  will  like  advice that  it's  better  to  upgrade our database  from 9i  to 11g  as compare  to  9i  to  10g  because  Oracle extended  support  for 10gR2 will ends on 31-Jul-2013 and  also there are more features available in Oracle 11g . We can directly upgrade to oracle 11g, if our curent database is or newer then its supports direct upgrades to versions, 10.1 and 10.2 . We can upgrade the version as
7.3.3 -> 7.3.4 -> -> 11.1
8.0.5 -> 8.0.6 -> -> 11.1
8.1.7 -> -> -> 11.1> -> -> 11.1 (or lower) -> -> 11.1
Oracle 11g client can access Oracle databases of versions 8i, 9i and 10g.

There are generally four method to Upgrade the Oracle database .
1.) Manual Upgradation :
2.) Upgradation Using the DBUA .
3.) export/import
4.) Data Copying

Let's have a look on manual upgradation .

Manual Upgradation :  A  manual   upgrade consists  of  running  SQL  scripts  and  utilities  from  a command line  to  upgrade  a  database  to  the  new  Oracle Database 10g  release. While  a   manual  upgrade  gives us finer control over the upgrade process, it  is  more susceptible to error  if  any  of  the  upgrade or pre-upgrade steps  are either not followed or are performed out of order. Below are the steps

1.) Install Oracle 10g software : For Upgradation , Invoke the .exe or rumInstaller ad select  "Install software only" to Install the Oracle S/w .

2.) Take Full Backup Database :  Take full database backup of database which is to be upgraded .

3.) Check the invalid Objects : Check the invalid objects by running ultrp.sql scripts as
SQL> @ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

4.) Login into 9i  home  and run the utlu102i.sql : This  script is in oracle 10g home .
SQL> spool  pre_upgrd.sql
SQL> @<ORACLE_10G_HOME>/rdbms/admin/utlu102i.sql
SQL> spool off

The above scripts checks a number of areas to make sure the instance is suitable for upgrade including
Database version
Log file sizes
Tablespace sizes
Server options
Initialization parameters (updated, depercated and obsolete)
Database components
Miscellaneous Warnings
SYSAUX tablespace present
Cluster information
The  issues  indicated  by  this script  should  be  resolved  before  a  manual  upgrade  is  attempted. Once we  have  resolved the  above  warning , then re-run  the  above  script  once  more  to  cross-check .

5.)  Check  for  the  timestamp  with  timezone  Datatype : The  time zone  files  that are  supplied  with  Oracle  Database 10g  have  been  updated  from  version 1  to version 2  to  reflect changes  in  transition  rules  for  some  time  zone  regions. The changes may affect existing  data  of  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE  datatype. To  preserve this  TIMESTAMP data for updating  according  to  the  new  time zone  transition  rules, we  must  run  the utltzuv2.sql script on  the database  before  upgrading. This  script  analyzes our database for  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE columns  that a re  affected  by  the  updated  time  zone  transition  rules.
SQL> @ORACLE_10G_HOME/rdbms/admin/utltzuv2.sql
SQL> select * from sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab;

If   the  utltzuv2.sql   script  identifies  columns   with   time zone   data   affected  by  a  database  upgrade, then  back  up  the  data  in character  format  before we upgrade the database. After the   upgrade,   we   must  update  the  tables  to ensure  that  the data  is  stored   based on  the new  rules. If  we export  the tables  before  upgrading  and  import  them  after  the  upgrade, the  conversion  will  happen  automatically  during the import.

6.) Shutdown the database :
shut down the database and copy the spfile(or pfile) and password file from 9i home to 10g home .

7.) Upgrade Database : Set following environment for 10g and login using  "SYS"  user . It takes roughly half an hour to complete. Spool the output to a file so that you can review it afterward.
ORACLE_HOME=<10g home>
PATH=<10g path>
sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> startup  upgrade
SQL>spool  upgrd_log.sql
SQL> spool off

8.)  Recompile any invalid objects : Compare the number of invalid objects with the number noted in step 4 . It should hopefully be the same or less.


9.) Check the status of the upgrade :
SQL> @ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlu102s.sql
The above script queries the DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY to determine upgrade status and provides information about invalid or incorrect component upgrades. It also provides names of scripts to rerun to fix the errors.

10.) Edit the spfile : Create a  pfile  from spfile as
SQL>create pfile from spfile ;

Open the pfile and set the compatible parameter to . Shutdown the database and create the new modified spfile .
SQL>shut immediate
SQL> create spfile from pfile ;

11.) Start the database normally
SQL> startup
and finally configure the Oracle net and drop the old Oracle database software i.e, 9i  using the OUI .

Reference ::

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