Saturday, 14 March 2020

interview questions

1)  what is ocr
2) what is scan listener and scan ip
3) what the thing present in cdb and pdb
4) if cdb goes down will pdb alive
5) upgrade steps
6) dataguard switch over
7)cache fusion
8) global enque service global cache service
9) steps for clusteware upgrade
10) what is cluvfy
11) upgrade process from 11g to 18c
12) we have three oracle binaries and the central inventory is lost then what to do.
13) if archive log is lost how to perform the backup successfully.

what is the difference between $#
how to sort a number
how to find a particular word
how to replace last five words
how to run a job from foreground to background in linux
what is for loop and while loop
what is break statement

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duplicate db from standy to other server

 Duplicate Testuat   $ export ORACLE_SID=Testuat3 $ sqlplus '/as sysdba' Testuat3 SQL> alter system set cluster_database=FALSE sc...