Duplicate Testuat
$ export ORACLE_SID=Testuat3
$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
Testuat3 SQL> alter system set cluster_database=FALSE scope=spfile ;
System altered.
Testuat3 SQL> exit
$ srvctl stop database -d DRTestuat
Switch to grid and from asmcmd remove all DRTestuat and leave parameter file and password file on ASM and exit to oracle
$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
Testuat3 SQL>startup nomount
rman target sys/****@ auxiliary sys/****@
RMAN> duplicate target database to Testuat from active database;
Finished Duplicate Db at 03-OCT-24
RMAN> exit
$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
Testuat3 SQL> alter system set cluster_database=TRUE scope=spfile ;
System altered.
Testuat3 SQL> shut immediate
$ srvctl start database -d DRTestuat
select name,open_mode from gv$database;