Sunday 12 April 2020

How to view Current Transaction Status (ROLLBACK or ONGOING)

Oracle Database is how to find out the current Transaction Status in Oracle i.e it is in rollback / Ongoing ?

col username for a15
col tr_status for a15
col COMMAND_NAME for a20

select ss.sid, ss.serial#, ss.username, st.used_ublk, st.used_urec, ss.status, decode(st.flag,7683,'ONGOING',7811,'ROLLBACK', st.flag) tr_status,  sqt.command_name, ss.sql_id, ss.prev_sql_id
from v$session ss , v$transaction st, V$sqlcommand sqt
where ss.saddr = st.ses_addr
and sqt.command_type = ss.command
order by 3;


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